Today is Wally and my 4th anniversary. Part of me feels like the years have flown by, and the other part feels like we're just beginning! We have had so many adventures in our four years as husband and wife...and God has always proven Himself as our abundant provider. There is no way we could make it without the relationships we have with our Creator.
Being our anniversary, I thought I'd take the opportunity to brag about my hubby a bit. He is amazing. If you know him, you know how contagious his passion for life and God is. He brings joy and fun to all we do, and is a constant reminder to me to praise God for what we have. He loves reading and talking...two things you'll understand well if you spend any time with him at all. He often reads to me in bed snipits of what he's reading...and patiently wakes me up when I fall asleep listening to him. :) (Sorry babe) Wally has a creative spirit, a loving heart, and a huge soft spot for his family. He has already told his unborn child that country music is from the devil, and prefers to listen to anything with meaningful lyrics. He quizzes me on who sings what song...and smirks when I never know the answer. He hates eating at the dinner table, but does it for me anyway. :) His favorite food is gummies, which he is pretty sure should be its own food group. He has a way of making everyone feel welcome in our home...something I couldn't appreciate more. He makes time for people in his life, and makes me feel like the most important person in the world. Wally is the greatest husband--I can't imagine having a better mate to journey through life with! I praise God for giving me the honor of being Wally's wife...I know we have many more adventures in this life to share!