22 July, 2004

My fam comes tomorrow!!!  I'm stoked!  Wally and I are picking them up at the San Francisco airport, then heading out to find some fresh seafood for lunch.  We're going to tour alcatraz, then head home to relax.  We have a ton of fun stuff planned for the week--picnic at Auburn, kayaking on the Napa River, Old Faithful, hiking in Tahoe, Shakespeare on the beach, and just enjoying eachother's company!  I seriously have not been this excited for awhile...I can't wait!  My family ROCKS!
I'll let you know how it goes...


15 July, 2004

Isn't it amazing how God always knows EXACTLY what we need and EXACTLY when we need it? Tonight, well most of today, Wally and I have been a little down. We just felt like there was no direction and we were feeling frustrated. Well, all that changed.
We went down to the hot tub to take a little before bed soak, and met some of our neighbors. The kid we met, Austin, started talking about this "awesome ministry" he was a part of years ago. He said nothing ever topped it and it was life-changing for him. The ministry he was talking about is the one Wally and Clint started out here five years ago. How cool! This kid was forever changed because of NXT ministries, and he's still living for Christ! Needless to say, this kid is all geeked to hang out with our crowd from the Ridge now, and we are so excited to have him! It'll be so great to get some fresh blood and passion into this group. I can't wait to see what God has in store.
We DO have purpose and we ARE doing a good work...even though most of the time it feels like we're doing nothing.

He is good,

12 July, 2004

WOW. Have things been a whirlwind around here or what? Wally and I are in our apartment and doing well. We're getting settled in and definitely loving California! We traded in our Malibu for a Scion (check it out--scion.com). We think it's awesome...and the gas mileage doesn't hurt.
My fam comes to visit in ten days!! I am seriously SO excited I can't even contain myself. I love my fam so much and I have missed them terribly these last two months. It will be so awesome to see them!! I know I won't want them to leave...
Anyway, life is good.
